
What We Do

We work predominately in development of new products. We are capable of developing complete new products according to client specifications. We accompany the entire process from generating initial concepts to releasing drawings for production to providing engineering maintenance for the product once on the market.

  • Above are some complete new products developed by A.Projemaster according to client specifications.

In addition to new products, we also develop improvements for current products. Specification increases, solutions for reliability problems, industrialization, and cost reduction are just a few examples of improvements offered by A.Projemaster.

  • A.Projemaster has designed many technical solutions and improvements for combine harvesters.
  • Above is an example of new technology developed by A.Projemaster to help a client enter a new market.
  • An example of a solution to a serious field reliability problem.

Not all of our work is for the direct market. We also design tools, weld fixtures, quality check tooling and laboratory testing equipment.

  • An example of a project designed by A.Projemaster for a specialized laboratory durability test.

We provide support for production localization in Brazil. This process can include evaluating local alternatives for materials, standards, and suppliers. We can accompany the complete localization process including construction of prototypes, appropriate laboratory and field testing, and release of local drawings.

In addition to mechanical design projects, we offer technical Consulting. We can calculate life of mechanical drives and transmissions, calculate stress and deformation in structures with FEA, e provide calculations and orientations regarding material flow. We also provide consulting for organization of complete products and corresponding CAD methodology and bill of materials management.

  • Example of a structural analysis completed by A.Projemaster.
mechanical projects

Mechanical Projects

(Machines, Devices and Products)
structural calculus

Structural Calculus

development of new products

Development of New Products

cost reduction

Cost Reduction

failure analysis

Failure Analysis

